It’s White to play and checkmate in two moves.

This puzzle was created by Frank Healey, and published in 5 Family Herald on 7/17/1858.

7R/1B1N4/8/3r4/1K2k3/8/5Q2/8 w - - 0 1

3 Answers 3


Use the fact that the rook is pinned, and that the king has few squares left; I'm thinking that 1.Rd8 Kd3 (only possible move) 2.Nc5# should be the solution.

[White "NN"]
[Black "NN"]
[FEN "7R/1B1N4/8/3r4/1K2k3/8/5Q2/8 w - - 0 1"]

1.Rd8 Kd3 2.Nc5#  
  • Beautiful. Without seeing the idea behind the final mating position you wouldn't even consider Rd8 as a candidate first move.
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Jun 26, 2021 at 10:04

Black is not in check, but still only has one move:

Check mate.


Move the rook onto the same row as the king, king moves to the only possible square, checkmate by moving the bishop to a6?

  1. Rh4, Kd3 2. Ba6#
  • 6
    2. Ba6+ isn't a checkmate, Black can reply with 2...Rb5+.
    – JiK
    Commented Jan 22, 2018 at 14:20

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