my question is about the position below.
This is, if I copied it correctly, from a book called "How Good Is Your Chess" by Evans. I'm an amateur so pretty much every single problem is difficult and not the book I had thought it would be but as I was returning this book, I tried another problem in the first few pages, where white is said to have three options: 1.Rac1 2. Rfc1 and 3. Bxf6
We are then told the answer is 3. I had chosen number 1. In explaining the answer I had chosen and why it's wrong, he says that if you choose that, then it leads to loss of initiative and endgame:
1 Rac1 Nc5 2 dxc5 Qxc5+ 3. Kh1 Qxg5 4. Qa4 Qa5 5. Qxa5 bxa5
Eventually now we get to my question. Why do I have to take the black knight on my second move anyways? What if I just moved my queen to a square defending my knight? Can I get out of this with a winnable endgame?
2r2rk1/p1qn1ppp/bp1ppn2/6B1/2PP4/PQ1B1P2/1P2N1PP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1