One of the lessons on the site uses the Yusupov - Spiridonov match, with Black to play after 1.Nf6+
[fen "5rk1/pb3p1p/1pr5/8/2P1p1N1/qPQ1P3/4B1PP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1"]
The "correct" move to make here is for the rook to take the knight, which is fine.
What I didn't understand was the explanation of why that is the correct move:
Had he moved his King to h8 White would have played Rd1-a1 after which Black loses his Queen to a discovered check with the Knight on f6.
I can't see anyway that black would lose his queen. The knight moving will put the king in discovered check, but the only way I can see black losing his queen is if white sacrifices a rook.
What am I missing?