def evaluate_and_partition(A, node_id=1):
node = A[node_id]
# Debugging line to track the function calls
print(f"Evaluating Node ID: {node_id}")
# Return previously calculated result if this node has been processed
if node['processed']:
print(f"Returning processed Node ID: {node_id} with result: {node['result']}, moves to mate: {node['moves_to_mate']}")
return node['result'], node['moves_to_mate']
# Initialize variables to store the best result and path found so far
optimal_result = -float('inf') # Assume worst case scenario
optimal_moves_to_mate = None # Initialize as None, to be updated
optimal_child_id = None # Keep track of which child leads to the optimal result
# Iterate through each child of the current node
for child_id in node['children']:
# Recursively evaluate each child
child_result, child_moves_to_mate = evaluate_and_partition(A, child_id)
# Check if the current child's result improves upon the best result found so far
if child_result is not None and (
child_result > optimal_result or
(child_result == optimal_result and optimal_moves_to_mate is not None and
child_moves_to_mate is not None and child_moves_to_mate < optimal_moves_to_mate)):
# Update optimal values based on the current child's results
optimal_result = child_result
optimal_moves_to_mate = child_moves_to_mate
optimal_child_id = child_id
# After evaluating all children, update the current node with the best result and path found
node['result'] = optimal_result
if optimal_moves_to_mate is not None:
# If a path to victory or draw is found, increment moves to mate as we move up the tree
node['moves_to_mate'] = optimal_moves_to_mate + 1
# If no path improves the position, moves to mate remains None
node['moves_to_mate'] = None
node['sequence'] = [optimal_child_id] if optimal_child_id is not None else []
node['processed'] = True # Mark the node as processed
# Return the best result and path found for the current node
return node['result'], node['moves_to_mate']
END OF THE WRONG FUNCTION, the code follows
import chess
def initialize_game_tree(initial_fen):
"""Initializes the game tree with the root node based on the initial FEN."""
return {
1: {
'fen': initial_fen,
'moves_to_mate': None,
'parent': None,
'color': chess.WHITE if initial_fen.split(' ')[1] == 'w' else chess.BLACK,
'result': None,
'processed': False,
'sequence': [],
'children': []
def add_descendants(node_id, depth, A):
"""Recursively adds descendant nodes to the game tree up to a specified depth."""
if depth == 0:
board = chess.Board(A[node_id]['fen'])
for move in board.legal_moves:
new_node_id = len(A) + 1
A[new_node_id] = {
'fen': board.fen(),
'moves_to_mate': None,
'parent': node_id,
'color': chess.WHITE if board.turn else chess.BLACK,
'result': None,
'processed': False,
'sequence': [],
'children': []
add_descendants(new_node_id, depth - 1, A)
def evaluate_and_partition(A, node_id=1):
node = A[node_id]
# Debugging line to track the function calls
print(f"Evaluating Node ID: {node_id}")
# Return previously calculated result if this node has been processed
if node['processed']:
print(f"Returning processed Node ID: {node_id} with result: {node['result']}, moves to mate: {node['moves_to_mate']}")
return node['result'], node['moves_to_mate']
# Initialize variables to store the best result and path found so far
optimal_result = -float('inf') # Assume worst case scenario
optimal_moves_to_mate = None # Initialize as None, to be updated
optimal_child_id = None # Keep track of which child leads to the optimal result
# Iterate through each child of the current node
for child_id in node['children']:
# Recursively evaluate each child
child_result, child_moves_to_mate = evaluate_and_partition(A, child_id)
# Check if the current child's result improves upon the best result found so far
if child_result is not None and (
child_result > optimal_result or
(child_result == optimal_result and optimal_moves_to_mate is not None and
child_moves_to_mate is not None and child_moves_to_mate < optimal_moves_to_mate)):
# Update optimal values based on the current child's results
optimal_result = child_result
optimal_moves_to_mate = child_moves_to_mate
optimal_child_id = child_id
# After evaluating all children, update the current node with the best result and path found
node['result'] = optimal_result
if optimal_moves_to_mate is not None:
# If a path to victory or draw is found, increment moves to mate as we move up the tree
node['moves_to_mate'] = optimal_moves_to_mate + 1
# If no path improves the position, moves to mate remains None
node['moves_to_mate'] = None
node['sequence'] = [optimal_child_id] if optimal_child_id is not None else []
node['processed'] = True # Mark the node as processed
# Return the best result and path found for the current node
return node['result'], node['moves_to_mate']
# Main execution block
initial_fen = "4k3/8/8/3K2Q1/8/8/8/8 w - - 6 4"
A = initialize_game_tree(initial_fen)
add_descendants(1, 5, A) # Adjust the depth as needed
evaluate_and_partition(A, 1)
# Print the root node to see the analysis result
# Function to print boards for children of a given node
def print_boards_for_children(A, parent_key):
children_keys = A[parent_key].get('children', [])
for key in children_keys:
if key in A:
fen = A[key]['fen']
board = chess.Board(fen)
print(f"Board for child {key}:\n{board}\n")
# Display the initial board and boards for first-level children
print_boards_for_children(A, 1)