Definitely be in any Professionprofession it is not advisable to pay attention to other details , but sometimes in Chesschess it is important that you look here and there and take your Eyeseyes from the Boardboard during a Tournamenttournament play .
When two Peoplepeople play the Gamegame of Chesschess sometimes they looselose the presence and they enter into a world of illusion . This happens majorly when the game extends for 3-4 hours . During the Openings Phaseopenings phase it is not advisable but in Middlemiddle and End gamesendgames when you require a definite plan sometimes a few secs of break from the game can reenergizere-energize you and can make you think better .Your Brain Your brain even gets Stuckstuck when you are playing a Hardhard game for a long time. Top Playersplayers do this at their levels in Classical Chessclassical chess not in Blitz blitz.
Now a Concreteconcrete rule : Blumenfeld's rule :- Here the rule says that after"after a prolong deep calculation it is important that you look away from the board for sometime which helps you to skip Blunders blunders".
So Summary issum it up, look here and there for sometimesometimes during a Gamegame but do not make someone else's business yours, and take few breaks during long Calculations calculations.