Questions tagged [pieces]

Questions relating to the chess pieces in a general, abstract sense; questions about physical pieces (e.g. identification questions) should be tagged [chess-set] instead.

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1 vote
1 answer

How much is the value of the wizard?

I came up with a new chess piece called the "Wizard".What it does basically is that it can switch places with any piece(except pawns) and for 1 move it has the attributes of the switched ...
11 votes
12 answers

Why is the rook worth 5 points while the bishop is only worth 3?

Why is the rook worth 5 points while the bishop is only worth 3? Rooks only move straight, but bishops only move diagonally. Is there something that makes moving straight advantageous to moving ...
12 votes
7 answers

Why is it better to control a vertical/horizontal than diagonal?

I'm trying to truly understand why Rooks are more valuable than Bishops. Yes, they control more squares. But why? I understand that a rook forms a line that pieces cannot pass through, and this is ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is the name of the style this knight is in?

My grown kid is looking for a chess set of his own. In that process I got curious what style the set I inherited from my grandfather is in. It is most likely bought in Europe in the period 1930-1950. ...
0 votes
2 answers

What is the maximum total number of piece points possible on the board?

Maximum number of non-pawn pieces on the board notes how to get the maximum number of non-pawn pieces on the board. But what about the maximum number of points possible? It seems like this starts ...
0 votes
1 answer

Where to find 3D chess pieces set?

There are many questions regarding the 2D chess sets here, but I couldn't find any questions regarding 3D chess sets. I couldn't find any free or paid 3D chess set on the internet The following chess ...
6 votes
2 answers

Why should White give up the bishop (pair) in this example?

Stockfish evaluates this as advantageous for White (+0.6 at depth 22), with Bxe4 being the only move retaining the advantage. Why is this so good for White? We give up the bishop pair We're left with ...
43 votes
17 answers

How many points is each chess piece worth?

I am a beginner at chess; please answer this question for me. How many points is each chess piece worth?
-3 votes
1 answer

In Ancient Board game what was the name of Piece called Minister [closed]

There are so many ancient variants (including Dashpaad and Ashtpaad). What was the name and purpose and piece called Minister in Samskrit ot Hindi language.
4 votes
3 answers

What is the origin of the chess pieces' movements?

Why do pieces move the way they do? Was there any reason behind the decision in the early history of chess? This Quora post for example mentions (no citations): Queen can give directions. And she can ...
18 votes
3 answers

Was there a chess piece—elephant, knight or rook—rendered as a being looking into two directions?

I have found a chess set of unknown origin with ducks as pieces. Simple ducks for pawns, king and queen crowned and big, okay, but then, for rook, knight and bishop, I don't know. There is a duck ...
37 votes
2 answers

Do strong players move their pieces with different relative frequencies than weak players?

This question is an offshoot of Ramon Snir's earlier one about how often different types of pieces get moved, on average, in a game of chess. My question: Do the relative numbers of moves for the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Are there any protocols for folding chessboard, where the dividing line should appear?

A folding chessboard will always have a dividing line in between the 2 halves of the unit. Is there a guideline where exactly the line should appear; Should it be between the armies (seen mostly) or ...
19 votes
11 answers

Why are rooks better than knights?

Generally, rooks are considered to be much better than knights. Why is that? Is it a myth or are they really better? Are there situations where a knights may be better that a rook? I usually think ...
3 votes
2 answers

Controlling the center versus occupying the center - What is the difference?

I would like to know if there are any general guidelines which help determine, at what moment to occupy a center square or to just control it? Are there any books or articles that anyone know of which ...
25 votes
3 answers

Is there an origin or story of where the pieces that make a chess game got their name from?

I understand why there would be a king and queen but I would love to know where the idea to call pieces what they are - such as the Rook, Knight, Bishop and Pawn - came from. Is there any background ...
10 votes
4 answers

Can I move a piece somewhere else if I left it but didn't press the clock?

Can I move a piece somewhere else if I left it but didn't press the clock? Suppose I touch my queen and then move my queen, keeping it on a square, and take my hand off. Then, before I press the clock,...
3 votes
1 answer

Literarily weak knights

When I was young, the knight was sometimes lousy and knights took the cake. It happened more than once that I hammered a knight sacrifice into the rows of my opponent during blitz...the effect being ...
18 votes
5 answers

Are pawns pieces? [duplicate]

I thought I heard somewhere that pawns are not pieces but just called pawns. Then, I heard from some other places that they are. I think they are but what is the exact definition of a pawn?
31 votes
1 answer

Can all 64 squares be attacked or defended by the eight pieces?

Can you place the eight (non-pawn) pieces of one color on an otherwise empty chess board, such that every square (including the squares that pieces are on), is attacked / defended? This is a problem ...
1 vote
1 answer
200 views board theme and pieces

What lichess and setups are the most similar to the board theme and pieces of I love their setup and I'm feeling the most comfortable with it.
7 votes
2 answers

Can there be a checkmate with maximum points of material (103) while covering 64 squares?

Is it possible to compose a game where these three conditions are simultaneously satisfied? No White piece is gone but every Black piece except the king is. All the white pawns are promoted to a ...
0 votes
3 answers

What are the quckest helpmates delivered by the rook, knight, bishop, and pawn?

What are the quickest helpmates, which is where both sides help administer checkmate to one side, delivered by the rook, knight, bishop, and pawn? The said piece has to deliver the checkmate on the ...
17 votes
4 answers

Is it legal to take a piece to the bathroom during a tournament?

If a player grabs a piece to move it, and before placing it in its new position, the player gets second thoughts about the best position for the piece, and so they decide to think a little bit more. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Copyright of chessmonk and other pieces [closed]

I want to use some of the chess pieces in my app from pychess But for some pieces, there is no clue about their license or author for example, I want to use chessmonk chess pieces in my commercial app,...
12 votes
1 answer

FIDE Laws: what exactly does 'colours reversed' in 7.3 mean?

Article 7.3 of the FIDE Laws reads: If a game has started with colours reversed then, if less than 10 moves have been made by both players, it shall be discontinued and a new game played with the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can you identify the design of these chess pieces?

I was wondering if anyone could identify the name of this chess piece design, or possibly the name of its designer? It's obviously not the standard Staunton set.
6 votes
3 answers

Maximum number of non-pawn pieces on the board

In a reachable game, what is the maximum sum of queens, rooks, bishops, knights, and kings on the board? For queens only, see Maximum number of queens possible
4 votes
3 answers

Piece And Pawn Only Massacre Games

What are the fastest possible games in which only all pieces and all pawns are captured? I did some searching myself. Pieces Only [Title "me, 3/2/2019, Non-Unique Proof ...
18 votes
4 answers

Pressing the clock using the same hand you use to move the pieces

I participated in a club and went to training. The guy who played against me is right-handed, so he placed the clock on the right. I'm left-handed, so I play with the left hand and press the clock ...
20 votes
2 answers

Do any grandmasters win more with black than white?

Some statistics indicate white scores 52-56% - but I wonder if that differs according to playing style - e.g. perhaps strong defenders prefer the black pieces. Do any former/current grandmasters have ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why am I losing so much more often with black (newer player)?

I have played about 125 games so far online and am rated 834 in rapid (I did play a lot as a child but not in many years) and I have double the win percentage with white pieces that I do playing as ...
8 votes
1 answer

Which collections of pieces are legal?

Call a collection of (white and black) chess pieces legal if it occurs in the position of a legal chess game. For example, KQRRBBNNPPPPPPPPkqrrbbnnpppppppp is the collection at the beginning of the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Must chess pieces be within a square?

In lightning chess. must pieces be moved so they are completely within a square? If not then how much overlap is allowed? If my opponent breaks this rule do I stop the clock and call the DOP?
21 votes
3 answers

What are "full piece" and "half piece" in chess?

I'm reading Kasparov's Deep Thinking and I came across this sentence: In one computer championship, a machine blundered a full piece early in the game but its opponent declined to capture it. When I ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is holding the opponent's captured pieces legal or allowed?

There was a controversial finish in a Canadian championship, where an opponent [un]knowingly held the queen of the other player. The [victimised] player wanted to promote his pawn to queen, but couldn'...
2 votes
4 answers

Does the design of chess pieces affect professional chess players at all?

There are some unique designs of chess pieces such as the following: (For the one above, I am not even sure if the setting up of pieces is correct.) I will not feel comfortable playing with any of ...
5 votes
1 answer

Where I can download images of chess pieces for my chess app?

I am developing an Android app and I need chess pieces images for my it. I am concerned about copyright issues as well. I can copy images from other chess apps on GitHub projects, but I am not sure if ...
24 votes
7 answers

How to determine the value of a piece from scratch?

Assume we have a standard chess set setup, but we make a slight change so that (for example) pawns can now move two squares forward on any move rather than just on their initial move. Even assuming ...
5 votes
4 answers

Would a piece that moved like a king – but could be captured (and could be moved en prise) – be considered a major or a minor piece?

I could be wrong, but it seems like the major determinant of whether a piece is a major piece or a minor piece is whether a king and one of that piece can force checkmate on a lone king. Would this be ...
30 votes
4 answers

Why does Stockfish undervalue pawns when compared to the classical "a piece is worth three pawns" approach?

I was taking a look at values engines give to pawns and piece and was quite shocked by Stockfish values for middlegame (Mg): PawnValueMg = 128 KnightValueMg = 721 ~ 5.6 pawns BishopValueMg = 825 ~ ...
4 votes
5 answers

Is It Good Or Bad To Trade Too Much?

One aspect of my style in chess is that I like to trade a lot. Is trading too much bad?
31 votes
3 answers

Should a player be forced to move a piece that he has picked up after a spectator knocked it off the board?

While anyone can answer this, I do have official FIDE arbiters in mind. I am following a discussion on about the worst way you have lost a game. Someone related this story: This didn't ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the minimum number of pieces needed in a chess set to account for all possible promoted pieces?

How many pieces would be needed in a chess set where all possibilities for promoted pieces are included if pawns are no longer used after they promote?
19 votes
2 answers

What should a player do in blitz if he knocks a piece on to the floor after pressing the clock?

This question is prompted by an incident in today's World Blitz championship in Moscow as described and shown in this tweet. What happened was that Nakamura made a move, pressed the clock, on the way ...
19 votes
5 answers

What is right way to set up King & Queen In the beginning of game?

I know this is very basic question, but I just started playing and want to know. How do you set up king and queen the right way? Heading I generally get confused between the King and Queen and what ...
5 votes
2 answers

What is the correct placement for the King and Queen on the chessboard?

What are the correct placements for the King and Queen set up on the board? I've heard things like, "white on the right and queen on her own colour" and "kings must not be facing each other." I'm sure ...
6 votes
2 answers

Misplaced King and Queen

Suppose the players misplace the position of King and Queen in a tournament game, what should the arbiter do according to the latest FIDE rules? Does the action depend on the time control/format of ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why doesn't the computer take my knight?

[FEN "3r4/p1p1kp2/1pn1b2p/4P1p1/P3pN2/2P1P1B1/2P2PPP/R5K1 b - - 0 1"] 1...Nxe5 {This was the original question with black to move.} (1...gxf4) (1...Rd2) NB: Black's knight was on C6 and has just ...
8 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to adjust your opponent's pieces, and what if he objects?

With all the questions lately about pieces being knocked off the board, being forced to adjust a fallen piece, etc., it made me think of this common scenario. Players often adjust more than their own ...