Questions tagged [anand]

Viswanathan Anand was FIDE world champion 2000-2002 and undisputed world champion 2007-2013.

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18 votes
5 answers

How many moves ahead does Anand calculate in his mind?

I always wondered about this! How many moves ahead can strong players like Anand actually 'see' during the game? How does the calculation of a supercomputer like Deep Blue differ from that of strong ...
msumaithri's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Why Anand and Carlsen insisted on playing the same opening/defense

They played the Berlin defense and Ruy Lopez. Well the question is more like: why Anand insisted to play Ruy Lopez again and again. wouldn't be better if he had tried najdorf and nimzo indian earlier? ...
Lynob's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Rating calculations for Anand-Carlsen world championship

I have some interesting questions that have to do with the rating changes and calculations for the Anand-Carlsen world championship. First, some preliminary information: Carlsen's live rating: 2870,...
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